Monday, September 12, 2016 @ 7:00 PM
Big Sandy City Hall at 115 Johannes Ave Big Sandy, MT 59520
Mayor Steve Stiles called the meeting to order.
Council members present were Colby Baumgarn, Shaud Schwarzbach, Fred Watstein and Ted Pursley.
Staff Present: Wendy Kleinsasser, Town Clerk
Public: Pat Matthew, Hilary Page, Dennis Hale
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the minutes from both the Budget Hearing and the August meetings. Ted Pursley seconded and the motion passed
Public Comments: None
Sheriff Report: None
New Water Project: The report from KLJ was distributed and discussed. See attached report for details.
New Pool: At this time things are still in the exploratory stages.
Bear Paw Development/Brownfield Project: No action
New Business
Pat Matthew: She asked the council to reconsider her water billing for the month of August. Shaud Schwarzbach moved to adjust it to 10% over last years’ August bill. Colby Baumgarn seconded and the motion passed.
Source water report: Mayor Stiles reported that at some point there will have to be a meeting with Shelley Nolan from Rural Water to determine what actions need to be taken. It was recommended to have Ms. Nolan at October meeting.
Hilary Page: Ms. Page presented the council with a web site design proposal. She and the council will meet September 22 at 6:00 p.m. after the council members have had time to check out other town’s websites and determine how they was one put together. Ted Pursley moved to go forward with this project. Fred Watstein seconded and the motion passed.
MMIA Benefits program: Tabled until next meeting.
Old Business
Street repairs: Lakeside is currently crushing gravel at the site and should be ready to haul to town soon.
Charge for Inactive/Vacant properties connected to water and sewer system: There have been several conversations on this topic on the list serve. The Clerk will find and scan some of them.
Animal Ordinance: No action
Parks: The Rest Area was discussed.
Ditch and road plans: Shaud Schwarzbach moved to purchase a jetting trailer for $6,000.00. Ted Pursley seconded; motion passed.
Meter Issues: Public Works has received 36 replacement registers and hopes to begin installing them yet this week. Help may be needed to get all 70 replaced once the backordered ones arrive. The council will ask for bids from local plumbers.
Committee Reports: Colby will be attending the Bear Paw Development meeting next week.
Mayor Report: Mayor Stiles has been gathering information on what needs to be done to permit and install the speed read out signs. It was suggested that if the town could afford it, that signs be placed near both schools to slow people down. Mayor Stiles will speak with the school superintendent and see if the school would cost share.
Public Works:. None
Clerk Reports:
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Ted Pursley moved to approve the claims and Fred Watstein seconded; motion passed.
General Journal Voucher. Fred Watstein moved to approve JV 2017-02. Ted Pursley seconded and the motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council: It was determined that replacing the meter at the house that Hale’s are buying is the town’s responsibility.
Ted Pursley moved to adjourn, Fred Watstein seconded; motion passed.
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