Tuesday, August 24, 2021 @ 7:00 PM
Budget Work Session
Council members present: Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach, Colby Baumgarn, Rich Jespersen, Krystyl Kulbeck, Jon Sheehy
Public present: Luke LaLiberty
Staff present: Wendy Kleinsasser
Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order.
Thomas Dilworth, Big Sandy Organics, is working on a job creation grant in order to expand the workforce at Big Sandy Organics. He is requesting that the town apply for the grant, however they will write the grant. He is asking that the town disburse the funds once they receive the grant and meet all requirements. This could result in up to ten new jobs. The town would set up a trust account. The total amount of the grant is $75,000.00.
Rich Jespersen moved that the town sponsor the grant and act as a pass through entity on behalf of Big Sandy Organics for the Economic Development and Job Creation grant pending acceptance by the state. Jon Sheehy seconded and the motion passed.
The council went on to discuss the FY 22 budgets and determined that it was acceptable. A budget hearing is scheduled for September 2, 2021.
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