Thursday, August 10, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
Council President Jon Sheehy called the meeting to order. Mayor Schwarzbach was delayed and chaired the meeting when he arrived.
Council members present: Jon Sheehy, Krystyl Kulbeck , Rich Jespersen and Danielle Weaver
Staff present: Wendy Kleinsasser, Tim LaBuda, Leslie Gregory
Public: Seth Broesder, City Judge, Charles Foussard, Nick Peet, Lorrie Merrill, Reece Ophus and Gary Johnson, KLJ, via Zoom
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Rich Jespersen moved to approve the minutes from June. Danielle Weaver seconded. Motion passed.
Sheriff’s Report: None
Public Comment: None.
Pivot: As of now, no soil sample reports by 406 Ag. Tim sent samples to KLJ to evaluate levels in the discharge into Big Sandy Creek and they do not look bad at all.
Reece Ophus offered to put the pivot on his land should the town have to move it.
New Pool report: Rich Jespersen reported that a lease with the school needs to be executed for the Land and Water grant, along with a resolution done by the school. Shaud Schwarzbach and Diana LaBuda are working with the school board.
The Browning-Kimble grant match is needed by October 1, 2023.
Pool: The school will be using the pool for PE and it will be kept open for lap swims for a couple of weeks. Leslie will be putting together a list of supplies that will be needed for the next swim season. The slide will be removed for safety reasons.
KLJ: Gary Johnson updated the Council on the SCADA project. The budget was revised to meet the DNRC requirements. Hopefully this project will be completed by October.
Bear Paw Development: No one from Bear Paw was in attendance. The clerk had communicated with the Brownfield lead at Bear Paw, who said they were still waiting on funding from the federal government.
New Business
Resolution 2024-01: Bear Paw Development participation -Rich Jespersen moved to approve the Resolution. Danielle Weaver seconded and the motion passed on an anonymous roll call vote.
Dog Ordinance: Danielle Weaver is still working on revamping the ordinance. There was much discussion about enforcing the ordinance.
Judge Broesder: The Judge clarified the process of enforcing town ordinances. Should someone plead not guilty, the town would have to go to court and would need to use either the town’s attorney or the county attorney on a case by case basis to act as prosecutor.
Post Office Assessment: The clerk will contact the town attorney to write a letter to the Postal Service explaining that these are fees for services that are billed on the tax bills.
Old Business
Triangle Telephone: Jon Sheehy moved to approve the camera upgrade, Rich Jespersen seconded and the motion passed.
Community Decay: One property owner said he was building a pole barn to store his possessions. Another reported that he was working on upgrading the property and getting the old cars out of there. He expects to have it done by the first of November. There is a court date set for August 19th and summons have been sent out. Rich Jespersen moved to approve moving forward, Jon Sheehy seconded and the motion passed. It was decided to drop the charge against one property owner as he has a plan to get things cleaned up. He will be recharged if that doesn’t happen.
The condition of the town property near the dump was discussed and it was agreed by all that some cleanup needs to take place.
Firemen’s Interlocal: The committee will meet with the firemen’s representatives to work out an Interlocal agreement.
Committee Reports: None
Mayor: None
Public Works: PWD updated the Council. The rep from Core and Main visited with Tim and gave him quotes on some meters and verified the life expectancy maxes out at 12 years.
Clerk: The shut off list was sent out electronically. The budget needs to be passed by September 7. There will be a work session held at 6:30 on August 31.
The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Rich Jespersen moved to approve the claims. Jon Sheehy seconded; motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Rich Jespersen moved to accept JV 2024-01. Danielle Weaver seconded; motion passed.
Rich Jespersen moved to adjourn. Krystyl Kulbeck seconded and the motion passed.
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