Wednesday, June 9, 2021 @ 7:00 PM
Public Hearing on Water & Sewer Rates
Council members present: Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach, Colby Baumgarn, Jon Sheehy, Rich Jespersen. and Krystyl Kulbeck
Public present: Clay Dixon, Gene Welty, Kelly Dixon, Paymond Courtnage, Don Robertson, Glenn Braun, Maggie Cline, Ed Ray, Jane Nelson, Robin Hurd, Floyd Terry, Rick Scheetz, Lenore Marx, Lorrie Merrill, Cheryl Darlington, Bill Kleinsasser, Pam Gasvoda, Shane Ophus and two others whose signatures are illegible.
Staff present: Wendy Kleinsasser
Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order, welcomed those present and laid out the ground rules.
Jon Sheehy gave those present a detailed explanation of what the council will be voting on, as well as the facts and figures that led them to make these decisions. The clerk handed out printouts that broke done the project costs, what was paid by grants and what was paid with loans. After a little over an hour of discussion, the mayor called for a vote on the resolutions.
Resolution 2021-17 – increase in base sewer rate and the addition of an inactive fee to pay for infrastructure indebtedness: Colby Baumgarn moved to pass the resolution; Jon Sheehy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Resolution 2021-18 – the establishment of an inactive fee to pay for the infrastructure indebtedness: Jon Sheehy moved to pass the resolution, Colby Baumgarn seconded and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Prior to the public hearing the council met to approve the May claims, Journal Vouchers and shutoff list. Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the claims, Rich Jespersen seconded and the motion passed.
Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the JVs and Rich Jespersen seconded. The motion passed.
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