Thursday, June 7, 2018 @ 7:00 PM
Big Sandy City Hall at 115 Johannes Ave Big Sandy, MT 59520
Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order.
Council members present were Colby Baumgarn, Jon Sheehy, Darin Ray and Ted Pursley.
Staff Present: Tim LaBuda, Larry Geyer, Public Works, Wendy Kleinsasser, clerk
Public: Dennis Hale, Logan Tweet and another engineer from KLJ, who’s signature is illegible, Samantha Chagnon and Paul Tuss of Bear Paw Development, Christin Hileman of New Fields, Laura Velk, Hilary Page.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the minutes from the May 7 and May 19 meetings, Jon Sheehy seconded, motion passed.
Public Comments: None
Sheriff Report: Deputy Hale asked the council to amend the animal ordinance, replacing the word dog with dogs or other animals. Ted Pursely moved to approve the change, Jon Sheehy seconded and motion passed.
Pool: No report.
New Water Project: Logan Tweet, KLJ, told the council that the bid opening needed to be moved back a week and will take place on June 14 at 2:00 p.m. He requested that the council approve the bid as soon as possible. A meeting was scheduled at 6:00 p.m. on June 19.
Bear Paw Development/Brownfield Project: Samantha Chagnon and Christin Hileman spoke to the council about the Four Way Fuel site. There was discussion about the buy sell agreement with Lockharts, the town’s in kind contribution and the budget for the project. Also, Brandon Kingsbury of the DEQ was reached on speaker phone and explained the monitoring process. The town share for the project is $60,000.00. Demo, backfill, landfarming can all be in kind contribution, so the town should not be out of any actual cash. It was decided to approach Lockharts and ask for them to contribute $50,000.00 to an interest bearing escrow account. That money would be used for unforeseen expenses that could occur. If it is not used, once the DEQ signs off on the site, the money would be returned to Lockharts. Bear Paw will contact them and once that is taken care of, the council will make a final decision.
New Business
MMIA/Employee Manual: Ted Pursley moved to approve the new wording in the manual; Colby Baumgarn seconded; motion passed.
Hilary Page Proposal: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve paying her $100.00 per month to maintain the website. Jon Sheehy seconded; motion passed.
Robin Pearson: Pearson’s are selling their two rental homes and would like approval to go ahead and have the property re-surveyed and work with Public Works to locate the water and sewer lines. Ted Pursley moved to approve the request, Darin Ray seconded. Motion passed.
Haying: The contract to hay town property at the saddle club and gun club was awarded to Clete Ophus.
Laura Velk/ Weed Ordinance: Darin Ray moved to add the weed ordinance to the July agenda. Jon Sheehy seconded; motion passed.
Old Business
Charge for Inactive/Vacant properties connected to water and sewer system: No action
Committee Reports: None
Mayor Report: None
Public Works: None
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Colby Baumgarn moved to accept the claims. Ted Pursley seconded; motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve JV 2018-11. Jon Sheehy seconded, motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council:
Executive Session:
Ted Pusley moved that the clerk receive a bonus of $2500.00 and an increase to $13.00 per hour and the assistant public works employee be given a bonus of $1500.00. Colby Baumgarn seconded and the motion passed.
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