Thursday, June 4, 2020 @ 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order.
Council members present Rich Jespersen, Jon Sheehy, Colby Baumgarn and Darin Ray.
Staff Present: Tim LaBuda,PWD, Wendy Kleinsasser, clerk, Leslie Gregory, pool manager
Public: Heather Pleninger, Mason Ophus, Travis Baumann, Diana LaBuda, Dennis Hale, Melanie Schwarzbach. Lisa Moisey, BPD and Luke LaLiberty, KLJ, attended via conference call.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Jon Sheehy moved to approve the minutes from the May meeting as amended. Rich Jespersen seconded.
Sheriff’s Report : Dennis Hale wanted verification from the Council that Clete Ophus has a contract with the council to hay the gun club and rodeo grounds.
Public Comment: None
Pivot: The pivot area has been sprayed for weeds and fertilized.
Pool: Leslie Gregory reported that the pool opened Monday, June 1st. Lessons begin next week and she has 11 lifeguards. COVID 19 rules are being followed. She will contact the county health department if anything comes up. She requested new lifeguard uniforms for the staff. Rich Jespersen moved to authorize up to $300.00. Darin Ray seconded and the motion passed.
Travis Baumann requested permission from the council to organize a small swim meet on June 13th with only the Big Sandy team competing. Possibly another in July and invited Chester and Ft. Benton teams. They will pay for the lifeguards shifts who would ordinarily being working those days. Rich Jespersen moved to approve the request; Darin Ray seconded and the motion passed.
KLJ: Luke LaLiberty reported that the RRGL grant has been submitted. The timeline to hear anything about it is expected to go into the next legislative session. This would also apply to any TSEP grants.
Northcentral water is temporarily stalled out due to COVID19, but design work continues.
Bear Paw Development: Lisa Moisey reported that projects are ranked prior to the legislative session and that it is important that representatives from the local government be present at hearings. The TSEP grant will be submitted Monday or Tuesday of next week.
Walking Trail: There is some concern about the placement on Third Street due to structures on the boulevard and the narrowness of the street. More input is needed from Rotary, but they have not been meeting due to COVID19. This will require a public meeting and council approval once any obstacles are dealt with.
New Business
Mason Ophus: He stated that he was against the walking trail on Third.
Resolution 2020-16: Acceptance of the PER for the storm drain project: Colby Baumgarn moved to accept the PER. Jon Sheehy seconded. It passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Airport Information: The packets were distributed to the council members.
Pool opening information update: This was given to the pool manager.
Leases: Clete Ophus wanted to know if the town wanted any other areas hayed. Public works will contact him if the need arises.
Weed Ordinance: Letters are going out the week of June 15.
Old Business
Water Ordinance: An ordinance work session will be held June 11 at 7 p.m.
Committee Reports: Colby reported that he is getting signs for the dump that state no dumpster diving.
Mayor Report: None
Public Works: Tim LaBuda told the council that there is still a problem at the lift station back-up generator and that the company hired to fix it has not been able to and won’t answer his calls. The clerk has not sent payment yet. Tim will call the factory and get information from them who they recommend he call to have the repairs done. Luke will also look into this.
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
* The Clerk will be starting the budget for FY 2021.
* The Clerk will send out the signed copies leases for farming and haying.
Claims: Rich Jespersen moved to accept the claims. Colby Baumgarn seconded and the motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve JV 2020-10, Rich Jespersen seconded; motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council: The swim team representatives asked the council if there was any objections to the group began fundraising for a new pool and if the town would act as the fiduciary agent for any funds raised. Council member Jon Sheehy asked what would happen to the money if the fundraising stalled out. That would have to be determined. Council member Rich Jespersen said he would work with the group to get information from the people who did the successful fundraising for the Chester pool.
Rich Jespersen moved to adjourn. Jon Sheehy seconded and the motion passed.
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