Wednesday, June 2, 2021 @ 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order.
Council members present: Colby Baumgarn, Jon Sheehy, Rich Jespersen and Krystyl Kulbeck.
Staff Present: Tim LaBuda and Larry Geyer, Public Works and Wendy Kleinsasser, clerk.
Public: Diana LaBuda, Chuck Williams, KLJ, Susan Brurud, BPD in person. Mark Rohweder, KLJ via Zoom.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Jon Sheehy moved to approve the May minutes; Krystyl Kulbeck seconded and the motion passed.
Sheriff’s Report: none
Pivot: Will restart next week.
Public Comment: None.
Pool Report: None
New Pool report: The committee met today to begin finalizing the budget. It is hoped that they can break ground in 2023. The engineers have identified two contractors to put up the building, but it was decided to wait to act on things until building prices go down.
KLJ: Storm Drain project: Chuck Williams put together a task order for the council but after some discussion it was decided by the council to change some of the wording concerning whether or not to include a median in the project. Rich Jespersen moved to have the task order signed by the mayor after the changes have been made; Jon Sheehy seconded. Motion passed. KLJ will put together a list of pros and cons regarding the median. KLJ will also put together an application for the competitive part of the ARPA funding for the SCADA system.
Bear Paw Development: It was decided to wait for fall before starting work on the CIP.
Sue Brurud, BPD, gave a presentation on the three paths of funding from ARPA, referred to Pot A, Pot B, and Pot C. She broke it into three options and after discussion Jon Sheehy moved to go with Option 3, which includes grant funding from MCEP ($484,971.00), RRGL ($125,000.00) Pot A, ($35,000) and hopefully funding from Pot C ($358,087), which is a competitive pot of funding. Rich Jespersen seconded and the motion passed.
New Business
Resolution 2021-16 – Budget Amendment addressing the COVID 19 funds and expenses: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the amendment; Krystyl Kulbeck seconded and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Fireworks: Jon Sheehy moved that the town put on a Fourth of July fireworks show, with Lance Cook heading it up and the town contributing $2,000.00. Rich Jespersen seconded and the motion passed.
Old Business
Junk Ordinance: This will be taken up at the July council meeting.
Committee Reports: None
Mayor Report: None.
Public Works: They are working on the parks
The council will meet prior to the public hearing on June 9th to approve claims and go over the shutoff list.
Rich Jesperson moved to adjourn. Colby Baumgarn seconded. Motion passed.
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