Thursday, May 9, 2019 @ 7:00 PM
Big Sandy City Hall at 115 Johannes Ave Big Sandy, MT 59520
Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order.
Council members present Ted Pursley and Jon Sheehy. Colby Baumgarn participated via telephone, as he was at job training out of town. Darin Ray was absent.
Staff Present: Tim LaBuda, PWD, Larry Geyer, Public Works, Wendy Kleinsasser, clerk
Public: Lisa Moisey of Bear Paw Development, Dennis Hale, Luke LaLiberty and Harrison Fuson, KLJ, and Paul Marino
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Jon Sheehy moved to approve both the April minutes and the amended work session minutes from the same day. Ted Pursley seconded, motion passed.
Sheriff’s Report None
Public Comment: None
New Water Project: Luke introduced Harrison Fuson, who will be replacing Sean Rabe for the rest of the project. He presented the council with a change order, #4. This change is in regard to the concrete at the fill station. Ted Pursley moved to approve the change, Jon Sheehy seconded and the motion passed. Luke also brought up three other potential change orders. One would be paving the area west of the grade school, one would be to replace the currently non working lights at the fill station and one would be to place ballards to protect the fill station. Ted Pursley moved to approve the potential changes, Jon Sheehy seconded. Motion passed. Luke will get prices and will get the necessary approval from RD.
Luke also brought up the fact that our engineering contract with them has expired. He believes that we can extend it for another two years, but both he and Lisa Moisey, BPD, will look into it. Mayor Schwarzbach brought up the fact that now that our water and sewer infrastructure has been brought up to date, it is time to start improving our streets. Lisa Moisey told him that TSEP planning grants are due the end of June. She will look into one for Main Street to make storm water draining more efficient and possibly another one for the other streets (pavement management). Jon Sheehy moved to make the request for the two grant applications, Colby seconded, motion passed.
Luke will prepare a change order for a hydrant that was inadvertently left out of the original project.
Bear Paw Development:
Water Project: Lisa Moisey presented the council with a Rural Development loan draw request to pay C&C and KLJ. Jon Sheehy moved to have the mayor sign the request. Ted Pursley seconded and the motion passed.
Brownfield Project: The mayor asked Lisa to have someone contact him.
Pivot: The motor burned up. It will cost $1,600.00 to repair it.
New Business
Des Rosier account: If the bill is out of line due to the customers having to run water to prevent pipes freezing because the water line had to be placed above ground during the water improvements, the council will work with them.
Resolution 2019-16: Budget Amendment increasing expenses to fund 2701, Park expendable fund: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the resolution, Jon Sheehy seconded and it passed on unanimously on a roll call vote.
Elections: The clerk explained who needed to run in the next elections and provided those council members with the paperwork.
Rest Area wish list: the clerk will send in a request to MDOT for sidewalk replacement and improved and updated lighting.
Resolution 2019-17: A resolution setting wage rates was passed. Ted Pursley moved to pass, Jon Sheehy seconded and it passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
US Bank and First Security CD’s: As these come due, the clerk will have the council vote to cash them in and deposit the funds in the town’s saving account.
Street Light/Marino: The clerk will forward their request to move the streetlight back to the corner to NorthWestern Energy with a letter stating that the town approved of the move.
Old Business
Water Ordinance: There is a meeting set up for Wednesday with the town attorney. Shaud, Jon and Wendy will attend
Committee Reports: None
Mayor Report: The Mayor included updates to Northcentral Montana Regional Water during the pivot discussion. It looks good for completion in 3-5 years.
Public Works: None
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Ted Pursley moved to accept the claims. Colby Baumgarn seconded and the motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve JV 2019-10, Jon Sheehy seconded; motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council: The mayor asked the clerk to contact MMIA to have the coverage for contacts assessed and increased at the Fire Hall.
Ted Pursley moved to adjourn.
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