Thursday, May 7, 2020 @ 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order.
Council members present Rich Jespersen, Jon Sheehy and Darin Ray, via telephone.
Staff Present: Tim LaBuda,PWD, Wendy Kleinsasser, clerk,
Public: Samantha Chagnon, BPD, Lisa Moisey. BPD, Luke LaLiberty. KLJ and Lorrie Merrill, Big Sandy Mountaineer attended via conference call.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Darin Ray moved to approve the minutes from both the April meeting. Rich Jespersen seconded.
Sheriff’s Report None.
Public Comment: None
Pivot: Jon Sheehy met with Shane Chauvet several times and he and Mayor
Schwarzbach met with him and Lance Lindbloom of 406 Agronomy. For this year they will spray the pivot and the cost will be split between the town and Chauvets. The recommendations given by 406 Ag will be followed and further soil samples will be done outside the pivot area to create and control. No new negotiations for compensation were done and there will be compensation will be made to the Chauvets.
KLJ: Luke gave an update on the storm drain project. The council had asked KLJ to look into daylighting the water in the SE corner of town but due to elevation issues this can’t be done without installing some sort of pumping system and the cost would be in the millions. Staying with the option of installing drains down the center of Main Street and replacing the paving up to Third Street. This would be at a cost of roughly $950,000.00. TSEP does not pay for paving but an argument could be made that if it is not replaced the storm drain system may not work. Rich Jespersen moved that the council adopt the PER, Jon Sheehy seconded and the motion passed. The council also decided to have KLJ and Bear Paw Development will work together on putting a funding package together with a fee capped at $3,000.00 will be paid to KLJ. Rich Jespersen made the motion for them to work together and Jon Sheehy seconded. The motion passed.
Luke also reported on the North Central water project. They are finalizing the easements and working on the Shelby side line. There are some delays due to Rocky Boy Reservation being closed due to COVID 19. Design is going well.
Bear Paw Development:
Walking Trail: The Town, working on Rotary’s behalf, was awarded a $50,500.00 grant for the trail. Rotary is willing to pay the balance of the $76,060.00. The Clerk will officially accept the award now that Rotary has met and voted to pay the balance and the information requested by Fish, Wildwife and Parks.
CIP: Samantha Chagnon from Bear Paw Development suggested that we set up an online survey for the public to comment on the CIP as we cannot hold public meetings of more than 10 people at this time. The Council would prefer to wait until the public can attend in person even if it means waiting until later in the summer or early fall. As this is an important part of any application for funding, it was decided that the draft CIP can be referenced with a reference to problems with public meetings due to COVID 19.
New Business
There was no new business.
Old Business
Water Ordinance: The ordinance will be put together and a working meeting will be held June 11th. The actual fees for inactive accounts will be worked out based on the town’s debt and what is a fair amount due from each connection. Once it is complete it will be sent to the town’s attorney for review.
Homecoming: No action
Committee Reports: Rich reported on progress being made on the welcome to Big Sandy signes.
Mayor Report: None
Public Works: The Rest Area is now open. Larry Geyer requested permission to purchase new lids for the garbage cans. His request was approved.
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
* The Clerk will be starting the budget for FY 2021.
* The Clerk will order the conference phone and have it installed in the conference room.
Claims: Rich Jespersen moved to accept the claims. Jon Sheehy seconded and the motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Jon Sheehy moved to approve JV 2020-09, Rich Jespersen seconded; motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council: The next council meeting will be held June 4 at 7:15 unless the state goes into Phase Two of reopening. Then it will be held at 7:00. Rich moved to adjourn and Jon seconded.
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