Thursday, May 11, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach called the meeting to order.
Council members present: Jon Sheehy, Krystyl Kulbeck , Rich Jespersen and Danielle Weaver
Staff present: Wendy Kleinsasser, Tim LaBuda
Public: Luke LaLiberty via Zoom, Jason Terry and Dennis Hale in person
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Rich Jespersen moved to approve the minutes April. Krystyl Kulbeck seconded. Motion passed.
Sheriff’s Report: None
Public Comment: None.
Pivot: Mayor Schwarzbach asked the Council for approval to sign the contract with 406 Ag. PDW Tim LaBuda plowed the pivot tracks.
New Pool report: Rich Jespersen reported that $565,000.00 has been raised to date and he is keeping in touch with the Land and Water grant people. That grant application is due in the fall and we should be good as the interlocal is now signed with the school.
Pool: It was filled once and the water turned orange again so it was drained and is being refilled. Tim thinks the issue of the water turning orange is due to the main drain being cast iron.
KLJ: Luke LaLiberty of KLJ reported on a grant possibility for the town which would be for planning street and road improvements and has a 20% match. The planning grant would be first and cost roughly $50,000.00, requiring a $10,000.00 match from the town. After discussion the council decided to keep on hold for now.
Moving on to the pivot, he reported that KLJ was tasked to look into options as we can no longer use the pivot to discharge the sewage. One was discharge into the creek, using our permit. Chlorination is not possible. UV may be possible and would require smaller pumps and valves. A cost estimate for that will be needed. It was determined that it is time to bring DEQ involved to help us find a permanent solution. Tim and Luke will work together on that and KLJ will look into infrastructure funding should that become necessary.
Bear Paw Development: No one from Bear Paw was in attendance. The clerk will contact them and get an update on things.
New Business
BSMC: This had to do with the location of the new clinic entrance. Tim will work with their board and the town will do what it can to accommodate them.
Firemen’s Interlocal: The Mayor updated the Council on where things stand with this. The Firemen are pursuing their own insurance and the Mayor suggested to the Council that the town reimburse them as a part of the agreement. He will work with Pete Jerrell on the agreement and once completed the Council can vote on how much the reimbursement will be.
Telephones: Triangle Telephone contacted the clerk about changing our phone system to a Hosted System. Krystyl Kulbeck moved that we go ahead with the 5 year commitment. Danielle Weaver seconded and the motion passed.
Jason Terry: Jason asked that he be allowed to hook into the town’s water system once we go on NorthCentral Water. He will bear all the costs incurred. Rich Jespersen moved to approve the request; Krystyl Kulbeck seconded and the motion passed.
Dogs: There was discussion about the constant dog issue in town. Danielle Weave is going to work on the ordinance.
Audit: Rich Jespersen moved to approve the audit proposal, which is for a period of three years at a total cost of $60,000.00. Danielle Weaver seconded. The motion passed with Jon Sheehy voting nay.
Old Business
Community Decay: Rich Jespersen gave the Council an update and violation letters will be mailed out.
Committee Reports:
Mayor: Ballfield water well discussion. The Town will get the well up and running and maintain it so the ballfields can be watered.
Public Works: PWD updated the Council.
Clerk: The shut off list was sent out electronically.
The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Krystyl Kulbeck moved to approve the claims. Richard Jespersen seconded; motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Rich Jespsesen moved to accept JV 2023-10. Danielle Weaver seconded; motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council: The next meeting date is June 8. The Mayor told the Council that we are likely to need another summer employee to keep up with things and if none could be found, his son will be here this summer and could fill in as a last resort.
Rich Jespersen moved to adjourn. Danielle Weaver seconded and the motion passed.
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