Thursday, April 6, 2017 @ 7:00 PM
Big Sandy City Hall at 115 Johannes Ave Big Sandy, MT 59520
Mayor Steve Stiles called the meeting to order.
Council members present were Colby Baumgarn, Shaud Schwarzbach,Ted Pursley and Fred Watstein.
Staff Present: Wendy Kleinsasser, Town Clerk
Public: Jeremy Echols, Jason Crawford, Hilary Page, Bill Kleinsasser
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the minutes from the March meeting. Shaud Schwarzbach seconded, motion passed.
Public Comments: None
Hilary Page/Website: The website is ready to go live. The clerk will begin training after the town’s audit is completed.
Sheriff Report: Deputy Echols reported that he registered a violent offender, who will be living here with a family member.
New Water Project: KLJ: Jason Crawford gave the council an update on where things currently stand with the water project. Things are stalled due to the confusion over the historical impact potential, section 106. As this is ground that has already, for the most part, been disturbed it is hoped that there will be a finding of no significant impact (FONSI). Rural Development has sent that request to the tribe, who has 30 days to respond. Please see engineers report for details.
Jason also spoke to the council about having the town on the SWSRF project priority list in order to qualify for a loan at a later date. This is also something that is required in order to qualify for loan forgiveness.
New Pool: Work will continue on the interlocal agreement between the school and the town. The school board meets April 11th for a final decision on whether to move forward and place the bond ballot for a public vote in June. It has been suggested that another joint board member be brought on, someone to represent the public. The council went over possible O & M costs for a new pool and at what level they would have to set the assessment.
Bear Paw Development/Brownfield Project: No action
New Business
Lorrie Merrill, Big Sandy Activities: Due to an excess of moisture under the co-ed home, a substantial amount of work needs to be done to correct the problem. The board has asked that BSA be allowed to let the water from the sump pumps into the sewer system. Shaud Schwarzbach moved that this be allowed with the understanding that the town can require them to stop if necessary; also with the understanding that the town would install proper ditching so the water is moved away from the building. Colby Baumgarn seconded and the motion passed.
Josh Danreuther/Skate Park: Josh informed the council that there will be an event at the skate park on July 1, 2017. He will also get event insurance to cover the event.
USDA funding support letters for MRWA: Shaud Schwarzbach moved to have the letters written and signed by the mayor. Colby Baumgarn seconded; motion passed
Pre Disaster Mitigation Plan, Resolution 2017-19: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the resolution, Fred Watstein seconded and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Fred Watstein resignation: Shaud Schwarzbach moved to accept his resignation, Colby Baumgarn seconded, motion passed.
MDT Map: Colby Baumgarn moved that Mayor Stiles sign the map. Ted Pursley seconded, motion passed
Old Business
Charge for Inactive/Vacant properties connected to water and sewer system: Discussion, no action
Ditch and road plans: No action
Committee Reports: None
Mayor Report: Mayor Stiles reported that C & C gave an estimate on repairing the street near the grade school.
Public Works:. The pivot should be up and running by mid April. Ditches need to be cleaned out by Public Works.
Clerk Reports:
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Shaud Schwarzbach moved to approve the claims, including the NorthWestern Energy bill and the Triangle Telephone bill which have not arrived; Ted Pursley seconded; motion passed.
General Journal Voucher. Colby Baumgarn moved to approve JV 2017-08. Ted Pursley seconded, motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council: Shaud priced a couple of pickups for the Public Works Department, as well as lease expenses for a bobcat. This will be voted on at a special meeting to be held April 11 at 6:30. Darin Ray, who will be taking Fred Watstein’s seat on the council, will be sworn in at that meeting.
Colby told the council that he has spoken to two people interested in purchasing the Four Way Fuel site if it is cleaned up by the brownfield people.
Clete Ophus had questions about the water.
The next regular meeting will be held May 11th.
Shaud Schwarzbach moved to adjourn, Ted Pursley seconded; motion passed.
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