Wednesday, December 5, 2018 @ 7:00 PM
Big Sandy City Hall at 115 Johannes Ave Big Sandy, MT 59520
Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order.
Council members present were Colby Baumgarn, Jon Sheehy, Darin Ray
Staff Present: Tim LaBuda, Public Works, Larry Geyer, Public Works, Wendy Kleinsasser, clerk
Public: Sean Rabe, Lisa Moisey, Sammie Chagnon, Curt Wood, Marla Ray, Bernie Ellingson
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the November minutes. Jon Sheehy seconded; motion passed.
Sheriff’s Report: None
Public Comment: A water/sewer customer addressed the council on his inability to bring his account up to date. The council granted him a 30 day extension.
KLJ: New Water Project: Sean Rabe and Curt Woods gave the council an update on the water project. They are delaying the winter shut down for as long as the weather holds. Darin Ray moved that a letter be written by the town regarding the asbestos cement pipe in the town’s spoils pile. It will state that the town understands that the contractor is doing the best that can be done to mitigate this issue, but it is possible some may remain. Colby Baumgarn seconded; motion passed.
Pivot: Mayor Schwarzbach will try to arrange a meeting with Shane Chauvet to discuss options.
Bear Paw Development:
Water Project: Lisa Moisey from BPD presented the council with RD draw #2. Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the request; Jon Sheehy seconded. Motion passed.
Brownfield Project: Sammy Chagnon, BPD, reported to the council that the property owner is still unwilling to put money into an interest bearing escrow account to be held in trust until the final okay on the clean up is given by the DEQ. It is possible another entity may take on project.
New Business
Marla Ray: Addressed the council regarding drainage in front of the libray. They will look into it.
Resolution 2019-14: Increase in NSF charges. Jon Sheehy moved to pass the resolution. Darin Ray seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Gravel: The town is considering purchasing gravel for road and alley maintenance. No action was taken.
Old Business
Water Ordinance: No action. Work sessions will begin in January.
Committee Reports: Colby Baumgarn told the council that he could not attend Bear Paw meetings due to his new job. The clerk will fill in until further notice.
Mayor Report: Mayor Schwarzbach updated the council on the status of the Northcentral Montana Regional Water Authority. Completion of the water treatment plan could be in three years, with water to Big Sandy in five.
Public Works:
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Colby Baumgarn moved to accept the claims. Darin Ray seconded and the motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve JV 2019-05. Jon Sheehy seconded, motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council:
Colby Baumgarn moved to adjourn. Jon Sheehy seconded and the council went into executive session. During the executive session Darin Ray moved to give the clerk and the public works staff bonuses of $2,500, $2,000 and $500.00. The motion passed.
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