Wednesday, December 11, 2024 @ 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach called the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Council members present: Krystyl Kulbeck, Rich Jespersen, Blaine Ophus
Staff present: Wendy Kleinsasser and Tim LaBuda
Public: John McDunn of KLJ via Zoom, Lorrie Merrill, Big Sandy Mountaineer, Diana LaBuda and Kaden Bedwell of Interstate Engineering via conference call.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Rich Jespersen moved to approve the September meeting minutes. Blaine Ophus
Sheriff’s Report: None
Public Comment: None
Pivot: John McDunn reported that he should have an agreement with Chauvet’s in time for the next meeting.
New Pool report: Rich Jespersen reported on two grant possibilities, one being the Murdock Foundation and a second from Land and Water. A phase one draft was presented to the Council by Kaden Bedwell of Interstate Engineering and Dianna LaBuda, New Pool Committee (see attached engineering report). Rich Jespersen moved to move forward with the general concept as presented and Krystyl Kulbeck seconded; motion passed.
KLJ: SCADA: John McDunn will meet with DEQ on Monday and he will finish the review with them.
Big Sandy Medical Center planning grant: The Council voted to approve the minutes from the informational hearing in September, with Blain Ophus making the motion and Rich Jespersen seconding. Motion passed.
Bear Paw Development: The Mayor is working on setting up a call with Bear Paw and Granite Peak Environmental.
New Business
The September informational hearing minutes regarding the BSMC storm drain PER was approved, as stated in the report above.
Old Business
Community Decay: Rich heard from Steve Gannon as he was heading to the meeting and will get in touch with him tomorrow.
Emergency Preparedness: There is nothing new to report.
SLIPA: The Clerk will contact Bear Paw and follow up on deadlines. There is a board meeting on the 12th that it will be presented as a request for assistance but we can get approval in advance to meet the deadlines.
Thriving Communities Grant: The grant application is due tomorrow and is 90% complete. Rich is waiting on KLJ for some information. There are two planning grant tiers, one at $150,000.00 and one at $250,000.
Committee Reports: Blaine Ophus gave the Council an update on the United Disposal board meeting. He reported that all interlocals are signed and agreed upon.
Mayor: None
Public Works: None
Clerk: The shut off list was distributed electronically.
The correspondence was distributed. The Clerk will attend the Bear Paw Board meeting tomorrow.
Claims: Krystyl Kulbeck moved to accept the claims to date; Blaine Ophus seconded. Motion passed. General Journal Voucher: Rich Jespersen moved to accept JV 2024-04. Krystyl Kulbeck seconded; motion passed.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 9.
Anything to be brought before the Council.
Rich Jespersen moved to adjourn. Blaine Ophus seconded and the motion passed.
The Council went into Executive Session to discuss employee matters.
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