Thursday, December 10, 2020 @ 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order.
Council members present: Colby Baumgarn. Jon Sheehy and Rich Jespersen in person. Darin Ray via Zoom
Staff Present: Larry Geyer, Public Works and Wendy Kleinsasser, clerk.
Public: Bob And Diane Scalise in person, Lorrie Merrill, Sammie Chagnon, BPD, and Kristin from New Fields via Zoom.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Darin Ray moved to approve the November minutes. Rich Jespersen seconded and the motion passed.
Sheriff’s Report None
Pivot: Shaud and Jon met with Shane. Overall Shane is happy with the results this year. He put up 2 tons of alfalfa hay in the first cutting and .75 ton second cutting. They came to the following agreement: For the next two haying seasons, the town will pay for the fertilizer, application and soil samples and Chauvet’s will pay for the chemical. Should the first cutting produce 3 tons, Chauvets will pay for half of the fertilizer. Jon Sheehy moved to accept this agreement, Darin Ray seconded and the motion passed.
Pool Report: Mayor Schwarzbach went to the school board and requested that they write a statement that they will provide the property once funding in place. They agreed. The committee received a $7,500.00 donation from the Lippard-Clawiter Foundation.
Public Comment: Two citizens came to the council with concerns about the amount of nuisance properties in town. Rich Jespersen has been working on this problem and has met with the county attorney and the county sanitarian. It was recommended that the town follow Montana code on this issue and sign a complaint. The county attorney, working with the town, would send letters to the property owners. Rich will follow up on this with the county officials.
KLJ: Nothing new.
Bear Paw Development: Sammie from Bear Paw Development and Kristin from New Fields joined the meeting via Zoom. They found out that the old hotel is not on the register of historic buildings, therefore no SHPO involvement. They are still trying to determine who actually owns the property. They referenced the 2016 study which determined that while there was black mold and asbestos, there was no lead paint or PCB’s. The cost is determined to be approximately $70,000.00, including demolition. Phase 1, due diligence needs to be done, which is valid for six months. The owners, Fat Chance Properties, LLC, need to be found and permission needs to be given to do a walk through. Abatement is not possible, demolition is the only option. The cost of phase one is $3,000.00 to $4,000.00. Town match is 20%. Should the current grant money run out, new grant money will be available in 2023. Rich will check with the county on ownership.
New Business
2021 Irrigation Pivot Plan – see above.
Old Business
Water Ordinance: The clerk will check on progress with Dorsey and Whitney.
Street Flow at school: Shaud spoke with the school board and told them that the town would take its’ cue from them. This will be removed from the agenda.
Committee Reports: None
Mayor Report: None.
Public Works: Public Works has been working on graveling some of the streets.
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Rich Jespersen moved to accept the claims. Jon Sheehy seconded and the motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve JV 2021-05, Rich Jespersen seconded; motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council:
The next meeting will be held January 7. It will conducted online via Zoom.
Rich Jespersen moved to adjourn. Colby Baumgarn seconded, motion passed.
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