Wednesday, November 8, 2017 @ 7:00 PM
Big Sandy City Hall at 115 Johannes Ave Big Sandy, MT 59520
Council President Colby Baumgarn called the meeting to order.
Council members present were Shaud Schwarzbach, Darin Ray and Ted Pursley.
Staff Present: Wendy Kleinsasser, Town Clerk, Tim LaBuda, PWD and Larry Geyer, PW
Public: Tim Uribe
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Shaud Schwarzbach moved to approve the minutes from the September and October meetings; Ted Pursley seconded, motion passed.
Public Comments: None
Sheriff Report: None
New Water Project: Tim Uribe of KLJ gave the council an update on the water project, as well as a report on the conference call held with TSEP, RD, Dorsey Whitney and Bear Paw Development. Things are in place and KLJ will begin design next week to be submitted to DEQ for review. Bidding will take place in the late spring with construction in early summer.
There was discussion regarding the need for an archaeologist and it was strongly advised that the town’s attorney draw up an agreement between the town and whoever is hired to do the work.
Bear Paw Development/Brownfield Project: A letter from DEQ stating they are committed to assist the town in obtaining the funds needed to clean up the Four Way Fuel site was distributed and a request to send a letter of support to the Department of Commerce regarding the creation of a State Brownsfield Revolving Loan Fund Program was signed.
New Business
Resolution 2018-11: A resolution allowing for telephonic participation by council members if the council is one vote short of a quorum was passed, pending the addition of the words “or any ther form of electronic communication, i.e. video conferencing” Shaud Schwarzbach made the motion, Darin Ray seconded and it passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Speed Signs: Bob Nelson will be contacted and asked to assist in the set up of the laptop to be used.
MDT-local projects on state and federal highways: KLJ marked the map as to where the water line will pass under Mt 236. The clerk will fill out the forms and e-mail them to MDT.
Resignation of Mayor Stiles: Ted Pursley moved to accept the mayor’s resignation for health reasons, Darin Ray seconded, motion passed. Ted Pursley then moved to appoint Shaud Schwarzbach as mayor until the next municipal election in 2019. Colby Baumgarn seconded, motion passed.
Old Business
Charge for Inactive/Vacant properties connected to water and sewer system: Discussion, no action
Committee Reports: Shaud Schwarzbach reported on the latest information regarding the NorthCentral Montana Water Authority
Mayor Report: None
Public Works: Clerk:
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Shaud Schwarzbach moved to accept the claims. Darin Ray seconded; motion passed.
General Journal Voucher. Darin Ray moved to approve JV 2018-003 and JV 2018-04. Ted Pursley seconded, motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council:
Shaud Schwarzbach moved to adjourn, Ted Pursley seconded; motion passed.
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