Thursday, November 7, 2019 @ 7:00 PM
Big Sandy City Hall at 115 Johannes Ave Big Sandy, MT 59520
Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order
Council members present Ted Pursley, Jon Sheehy, Colby Baumgarn.
Staff Present: Tim LaBuda, PWD, Wendy Kleinsasser, clerk, Larry Geyer, PW
Public: Calvin Danreuther, Darin Genereux, Dennis Hale, Lisa Moisey and Luke LaLiberty
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Ted Pursley moved to approve both the Minutes from the October meeting. Jon Sheehy seconded. Motion passed.
Sheriff’s Report None.
Public Comment: None
Pivot: Public Works has a map so that soil samples can be taken.
Storm Drain Project: Luke LaLiberty brought the owner/engineer agreement for signature. Jon Sheehy made a motion to allow the mayor to sign it. Ted Pursley seconded; motion passed.He also brought the storm drain PER task order for signature. This will capped at $30,000.00. Ted Pursley moved to have the mayor sign it as well. Colby Baumgarn seconded; motion passed.
Regional Water: Luke also brought a task order for KLJ to look into the best way to connect the new water system to our existing system. This would not be put to use at this point, but it was recommended that it be signed, should something come up. This would be capped at $8,000.00. Jon Sheehy moved that the mayor sign it. Colby Baumbarn seconded; motion passed. The mayor noted that there could be a conflict of interest if both the regional water project and the town use the same engineering firm.
In addition to the above items, he informed the council of LWCF grants that can be used to reimburse costs of a new pool and presented the council with a timeline. All funding for the pool must be in place prior to grant funding. The mayor is working with Dianna LaBuda on possible funding.
Bear Paw Development:
Planning Grant: The planning grants have both been awarded; one from TSEP and one from DNRC, for a total of $30,000.00. Lisa Moisey went over some things with the council on what need to be done with the Uniform Application to the state, in regards to the Regional Water project.
Brownfield Project: No action.
New Business
Leases: The council looked over the leases prepared for the haying and the farming. The clerk will send them out for Mark Kralich and Clete Ophus to review.
Homecoming Committee: Representatives of the Homecoming committee spoke with the council on what needs to be in place before the event in June. The town will provide barricades to block off Main Street from Friday until noon on Sunday. The town will request street sweeping prior to the event and will waive the open container law from Friday until noon on Sunday. The Homecoming committee will provide the town with proof of liability insurance.
Colby Baumgarn moved that the town will buy an ad in the Homecoming book. Ted Pursley seconded; motion passed.
Edwards Easement: The council voted to have an agreement drawn up with Dianne Edwards for a 99 year lease on the land that the water tank sits on.
MDT map: No changes.
Old Business
Water Ordinance: No Action
Committee Reports: None
Mayor Report: None
Public Works: Public Works gave an update on work at the pool.
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
* The Clerk reported that Independence Bank would like to submit a proposal to the town to become the town’s bank. It was determined that if travel was involved to do the town’s banking, the town may as well stay with Wells Fargo.
* The clerk also brought up the possibility of training someone as a relief clerk. The most logical person is also married to a council member. The clerk will check to see if that violates any state codes. Moving the security camera monitor was discussed and it was determined that it could be moved into the sheriff’s office as long as they do it themselves and there is no expense to the town.
Claims: Ted Pursley moved to accept the claims presented and leave the claims open until the TTC and NWE bills come. Colby Baumgarn seconded and the motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve JV 2020-04, Jon Sheehy seconded; motion passed.
Any Business to be brought before the Council: The next meeting will be held December 12. The Christmas party will be held December 14.
Ted Pursley moved to adjourn, Jon Sheehy seconded. Motion passed.
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