Wednesday, January 11, 2017 @ 7:00 PM
Big Sandy City Hall at 115 Johannes Ave Big Sandy, MT 59520
Mayor Steve Stiles called the meeting to order.
Council members present were Colby Baumgarn, Shaud Schwarzbach, Fred Watstein and Ted Pursley.
Staff Present: Wendy Kleinsasser, Town Clerk, Tim LaBuda
Public: Hilary Page, Jason Seyler, DEQ, Brandon Kingsbury, DEQ, Christin Hileman, Newfields, Samantha Chagnon, BPD
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Colby Baumgarn moved to approve the minutes from the December meetings. Shaud Schwarzbach seconded and the motion passed.
Public Comments: None
Hilary Page/Website: Ms. Page updated the council on her progress with the web page.
Sheriff Report: None.
New Water Project: No funding as yet from RD. There is confusion about the role the Blackfeet Tribe will play in this as they have an agreement with the Federal Government in that they have the right to oversee the historical and archaeological aspects of the project. A conference call is planned for January 13th. A hearing is scheduled to take place on January 20 in Helena regarding the projects that were awarded funding for but have not been started due to a lack of balance of funding. Tim Uribe of KLJ will represent the town at this hearing.
New Pool: There is a joint board meeting scheduled for January 12th .
Bear Paw Development/Brownfield Project: The above mentioned members of DEQ, Newfields and Bear Paw Development presented the council with an update on the Four Way Fuel site and laid out the options that are available should the town take on ownership of the site. The clean up cost is estimated at $430,000.00, with the third option, to dig out the site, tear down the building and use oxidation pellets to clean up the site, appears to be the better of the options. The next step will to be to find funding for that option. The council made it clear that there was no room in the budget for such a project. They were assured that grants are available and more would be known by mid-summer 2017. The town could lower the costs using town equipment and possibly finding a local area land owner to take the contaminated soil. That would need at least 2 acres and it would need to be tilled at least 7 times for a year, at which point it would be considered uncontaminated. The town is under no obligation at this time. The representatives of the three groups just wanted to know if they should continue to pursue this. The council agreed to this and they will begin the search for grant funding for the clean up.
New Business
Wells: Ted Pursley moved that the town purchase back up batteries for all of the wells. Fred Watstein seconded; motion passed.
Personnel discussion: Fred Watstein moved to have Public Works Director pay divided into 12 equal payments. Colby Baumgarn seconded and the motion passed.
Old Business
Charge for Inactive/Vacant properties connected to water and sewer system: Discussion, no action. The clerk will see if there is a map at the courthouse of the town with the lots clearly marked.
Ditch and road plans: No action
Source Water report: The plan put together was approved, with Shaud Schwarzbach moving to accept it and Colby Baumgarn seconding.
Committee Reports: None.
Mayor Report: He is working on getting the speed signs approved by MDT.
Public Works:. General update
Clerk Reports:
* The shut off list was distributed
* The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Shaud Schwarzbach moved to approve the claims; Ted Pursley seconded; motion passed.
General Journal Voucher. Chaud Schwarzbach moved to approve JV 2017-06. Fred Watstein
Any Business to be brought before the Council: The next meeting will be held February 8th. Colby Baumgarn moved to adjourn, Fred Watstein seconded, motion passed.
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