Thursday, April 11, 2024 @ 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach called the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Council members present: Krystyl Kulbeck, Rich Jespersen, Danielle Weaver and Jon Sheehy
Staff present: Leslie Gregory, Wendy Kleinsasser and Tim Labuda
Public: Bob and Diane Scalese, Luke LaLiberty and John McDunn of KLJ, Linda Schwarzbach, Dennis Hale, Christin Hireman
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Rich Jespersen moved to approve both sets of the February meeting minutes. Krystyl Kulbeck seconded and the motion passed.
Sheriff’s Report: None
Public Comment: None
Pivot: A plan is moving forward for planting this spring, possibly dividing the field into quarters and trying different types of seed. Also possibly irrigating one section.
New Pool report: Rich had a conference call with the grant contact and the grant has been unofficially approved.
Old Pool report Pool manager Leslie Gregory reported that she is advertising for lifeguards. The new ones will start at $10.30 per hour and the returning ones will receive a $.25 increase per hour based on last years wage. The old slide will be removed. There will be a water aerobics class taught by Connie Reichelt. Pool pass prices were discussed and will be on the May agenda.
KLJ: They are getting another quote from an equipment dealer. Also needed is a quote to build a wall to separate the chemical used. It is hoped this can be done by early summer.
Luke LaLiberty introduces an engineer just hired by KLJ, John McDunn, who will be managing the pivot issues. A revised outfall permit needs to applied for.
Bear Paw Development: Christin Hileman of Granite Peak Environmental was present to hold a public hearing regarding the demolition of the Old Big Sandy Hotel. This is a brownsfield project, funded through the DEQ. She spelled out the various options and gave some background as to what has been done already and what will be done in the future. The cost is approximately $308,000.00 which could be lowered by the town providing some labor and equipment for the backfill, possibly with some assistance from the county. An asbestos inspector will be coming in the next week to do a walkthrough of the building. The entire project is on the Bear Paw Development website for a 30 day comment period. Work will likely begin in the fall if all goes right.
New Business
Engineering RFQ: Danielle Weaver moved that the RFQ be published in the Mountaineer and the Great Falls two time, each a week apart. Jon Sheehy seconded; motion passed. Interviews will be set up for May 8th, beginning at 6 p.m.
Rest Area wish list: The Clerk will request additional funding from MTD to update the security lighting as well as funds for maintenance, janitorial services and utilities.
Open Burning: There was discussion and a request for the Deputy to return to the meeting. Sheriff Burdick will attend the next meeting to discuss with the Council what must be done to make it illegal to open burn in town in instances other than a regulation fire pit.
Old Business
Amended Resolution 2024-18: The resolution was amended to change the name of appointee from Bob Nelson to Bob Boettcher. Rich Jespersen moved to pass the resolution. Krystyl Kulbeck seconded and the motion was unanimously approved on a roll call vote.
Community Decay: There is a hearing scheduled for May 23 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council meeting room.
Committee Reports: None
Mayor: None.
Public Works: None
Clerk: The shut off list was distributed electronically.
The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Rich Jespersen moved to accept the claims; Danielle Weaver seconded; motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Rich Jespersen moved to accept JV 2024-09. Danielle Weaver seconded; motion passed.
The next meeting will be May 9.
Rich Jespersen moved to adjourn. Jon Sheehy seconded and the motion passed.
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