Thursday, January 9, 2025 @ 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach called the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Council members present: Jon Sheehy, Krystyl Kulbeck, Rich Jespersen, Blaine Ophus
Staff present: Wendy Kleinsasser and Tim LaBuda
Public: Diana LaBuda and Kaden Bedwell of Interstate Engineering via conference call.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Rich Jespersen moved to approve the December meeting minutes. Blaine Ophus
Sheriff’s Report: None
Public Comment: None
Pivot: Nothing new.
New Pool report: Kaden Bedwell discussed the final design, which had been sent out via email the Council members. The current cost of phase 1 of the pool projects is estimated at $3.268 million, with phase 2 estimated at $365,870.00. There are still things being reviewed for the budget at this time. Since the design plans were just sent out today, the Council decided they needed time to review things more thoroughly. It was decided to meet in a week, January 16, to vote on the proposed plans.
KLJ: SCADA: John McDunn was unable to attend and will update the Council next month.
Big Sandy Medical Center planning grant: No updates available.
Bear Paw Development: The plan so far is to begin deconstruction in May, which should last about 6 weeks. This needs to be completed and the hole filled in by June 15th. The Mayor is still waiting for the grant papers for signature. This project should go out for bid soon.
New Business
No new business items.
Old Business
Community Decay: Steve Gannon told Rich Jespersen that the DEQ has some jurisdiction over issues similar to what the Town is facing with certain properties, mainly regarding junk vehicles so he lodged a complaint with them. He is meeting with Mr. Gannon next week and has invited the Sheriff to attend the February meeting.
Emergency Preparedness: The Council will pass a resolution at the February meeting.
SLIPA: This is moving forward.
Thriving Communities Grant: Rich Jespersen has some of the narrative completed and has received a ballpark figure from KLJ but the grantors need an itemized accounting.
Committee Reports: Nothing to report
Mayor: None
Public Works: None
Clerk: The shut off list was distributed electronically. The Council agreed that both of the Public Works employees should attend the Rural Water conference in March. Formal approval will be on the February agenda but the fees needed to be paid before that meeting will take place.
The correspondence was distributed.
Claims: Krystyl Kulbeck moved to accept the claims to date; Jon Sheehy seconded. Motion passed.
General Journal Voucher: Rich Jespersen moved to accept JV 2024-04. Blaine Ophus seconded; motion passed.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 13.
Anything to be brought before the Council.
Rich Jespersen moved to adjourn. Krystyl Kulbeck seconded and the motion passed.
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